
The idea of supplying the capital of Georgia with gas came up at the end of the 19th century. However, intention has not been materialized. This idea was voiced again in 1937, but was actually implemented only 20 years later, in 1957. This is how "Tbilgazi" was created.

Then a 433-kilometer-long gas pipeline was built to supply the city with gas. In 1959, the population of Tbilisi received natural gas for the first time, which was originally intended for 527 thousand citizens. JSC “Tbilgazi” operated until 2006.

In May 2006, the Georgian government conducted an auction for the sale of “Tbilgazi” and the latter was acquired by a Kazakh company. By that time, gas supply of Tbilisi was already provided by KazTransGas-Tbilisi Ltd. “Tbilisi Energy” serves the capital of Georgia from May 3, 2019.

"Tbilisi Energy" is a new and completely Georgian company, the owner of which is the company "Waltbay" founded by Georgian business group. This is a 100% local investment.

The main priority of our company is the safe and continuous gas supply of the capital. The company has already started to restore the depreciated and damaged network of Tbilisi gas supply. “Tbilisi Energy” plans to invest more than 30 million GEL annually for this purpose. Several major rehabilitation projects have already been launched, which will include a complete overhaul of gas pipelines in the most important sections of the capital's gas supply.

Today, the company serves 1.500.000 people and has 18,000 commercial custumer. This number is growing daily.

"Tbilisi Energy" supplies the capital with natural gas through medium and low pressure underground and surface gas pipelines with a length of 8500 km. The annual gas consumption is about 750 million cubic meters. From this figure, 550 million cubic meters are consumed by social custumers and household customers, and 200 million cubic meters - by non-household, commercial customers.

By signing the Association Agreement with the European Union and joining the Energy Union, Georgia undertook to implement reforms in the energy sector and lay the groundwork for rapprochement with the European energy market. That is why one of the main goals of “Tbilisi Energy” is to meet European standards.