If you smell gas

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How to become a subscriber of Tbilisi Energy

I want to reduce the gas bill in the winter

Reduce the bill, take care of the family budget and use good quality thermal insulation at home. The heating bill depends on how good the thermal insulation of your home is. If you have poor thermal insulation in your home, old wooden doors and windows and less winterization, it means that you will definitely spend more gas to heat the space and therefore pay more bill. It is true that thermal insulation is not very budget-friendly, but the money saved from monthly expenses will quickly compensate capital costs. "Tbilisi Energy" - permanent energy for your home

How to pay the bill

You can pay the bill for natural gas via the banks cash desk, payboxes owned by the bank, automatic payments of the internet bank, as well as with all types of fast payment machines: Nova Technology - Paybox; TBC Pay, etc. You can also pay online from the following sites: EPAY.GE, TBC Pay – online payments Paybox.ge Pay.ge Oppa.ge Mypay.ge Gadaixade.ge

I would like to check the gas network

It is necessary to entrust the inspection of the internal network of your gas pipeline to specialists. Call 2 40 40 04 or 114 and request inspection, the service is free. Remember that you are responsible for the safe consumption of the internal gas network in your home.

How can I find out how safe my gas heater or water heater is?

Consumption of an open combustion chamber gas heater or water heater at home, in the office, garage or any enclosed space is dangerous and strictly prohibited. Tbilisi Energy takes care of your comfort and offers you an easy way to find out if your gas heater or water heater has an open combustion chamber or a closed combustion chamber. Please take photos of your gas appliances and send them to check@te.ge . We will answer you soon. You can also call the company’s call center at 2 404004 and request an inspection of internal gas network. Our service is free

What shall I do when I change my address or rent out an apartment?

If you decide to change the apartment - it doesn't matter if you buy, lease or mortgage it, before moving in, for your own safety, we recommend to make sure to call Tbilisi Energy call center and request to check gas flow line (pipes, gas heaters and water heaters). Statistically, 70 percent of CO poisoning occurs in rented and mortgaged apartments. Apartment owners often buy those gas appliances for a relatively low price, the use of which is strictly prohibited in closed spaces and homes.

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