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For non-residential (commercial) customers of Tbilisi Energy Ltd (except for bread enterprises), the price of natural gas will change from January 3, 2021

  • 01 December 2020

 Changes in the exchange rate of the national currency against the US dollar in recent years have created serious problems for the consistent supply of gas to the capital, as the company purchases natural gas in US dollars while delivering natural gas to customers at a fixed price in GEL.

 Tbilisi Energy Ltd, to date, still maintains the lowest natural gas tariff for non-household customers. From the very first day of the company existence  , in order to support the development of Georgian business, it balances with  its own resources the difference between the purchase and sale prices of natural gas, caused by the change in exchange rate.

Also the most important - the loss of millions of GEL poses a serious threat to important projects implemented by Tbilisi Energy Ltd, which is carried out throughout the capital - for example, the rehabilitation or renewal  of the distribution network - that  has not been changed in  the last 60 years and is out of order. Upgrading the network is vital for the greater security of our customers, the population of the capital.

At present, Tbilisi Energy Ltd. finds it difficult to accumulate sufficient financial resources to purchase the supplied natural gas, which obviously, as mentioned above, poses not only a real threat to the continuous supply of gas to consumers, but also threatens the normal and safe operation of the company.

In order not to hinder the process of purchasing of natural gas and uninterrupted gas supply to the population of Tbilisi, it is necessary to adjust the price of natural gas for non-residential customers. Based on the above, the price of natural gas, supplied to non-domestic customers of the company from January 3, 2021 Per cubic meter is defined as 1.10 (one GEL and 10 tetri) GEL, including value added tax.

We emphasize that the price of natural gas is not increased for household users, which is 0.461374 GEL per 1 cubic meter and is set by GNERC. Also, due to the current situation in the country, the tariff will not be increased for bread enterprises.